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  • 救命救急領域疾患の病態機序解明ならびに新規治療薬開発のための...



我々は救急救命領域の中で、死亡率の高い疾患である急性呼吸急迫症候群(ARDS)の病態モデルの一つであるオレイン酸誘発急性肺傷害を用い、病態機序解明および治療薬探索に関する研究を行ってきました。 また、最近では重症薬剤性肝傷害の病態機序解明および治療薬探索に関する研究を展開しております。


  • Tanaka K, Ishitsuka Y*, Kurauchi Y, Yamaguchi K, Kadowaki D, Irikura M, Katsuki H, Irie T, Comparative effects of respiratory stimulants on hypoxic neuronal cell injury in SH-SY5Y cells and in hippocampal slice cultures from rat pups, Pediatrics International, in press
  • Tomishima Y# and Ishitsuka Y#*, Matsunaga N, Nagatome M, Furushyo H, Irikura M, Ohdo S, Irie T, A selective thromboxane A2 synthase inhibitor, ozagrel hydrochloride, ameliorates liver injury induced by acetaminophen overdose in mice, BMC Gastroenterology, 13, 21 (2013) (# These authors contributed equally to this work)
  • Somekawa-Kondo T#, Yamaguchi K# and Ishitsuka Y #*, Ito S, Tanaka K, Irikura M, Moriuchi H, Takahama K, Ando Y, Yamazaki T, Irie T, Therapeutic doses of aminophylline induce guinea pig hippocampal neuronal cells under low-tidal volume hypoxic conditions, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 65, 102-114 (2013) (# These authors contributed equally to this work)
  • Yang C, Sun P, Ding D, Moriuchi H, Ishitsuka Y*, Irikura M and Irie T. The ethical Kampo formulation Sho-seiryu-to (TJ-19) prevents bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats, Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 33, 1438-1442 (2010)
  • Ishitsuka, Y.*, Moriuchi, H., Isohama, Y., Tokunaga, H., Hatamoto, K., Kurita, S., Irikura, M., Iyama, K., Irie, T. A selective thromboxane A2 (TXA2) synthase inhibitor, ozagrel, attenuates lung injury and decreases monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and interleukin-8 mRNA expression in oleic acid-induced lung injury in guinea pigs, Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 111, 211-215 (2009)
  • Yang, C., Ishitsuka, Y.*, Moriuchi, H., Saeid Golbidi, Zhen-ji Jin, Irikura, M., Irie, T. Protection afforded by a herbal medicine, Sho-seiryu-to (TJ-19), against oleic acid-induced acute lung injury, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 61, 925-932 (2009)
  • Ishitsuka, Y.*, Moriuchi, H., Yang, C., Golbidi, S., Irikura, M., Irie, T. Effects of bolus injection of soybean-based fat emulsion and fatty acids on pulmonary gas exchange function, Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 32, 500-503 (2009)
  • Ishitsuka, Y., Moriuchi, H.*, Yang, C., Kurita, S., Golbidi, S., Irikura, M., Irie, T., Preventive effect of tranilast on oleic acid-induced lung injury in guinea pigs, Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 27, 1451-1454 (2004)
  • Ishitsuka, Y., Moriuchi, H.*, Hatamoto, K., Yang, C., Takase, J., Golbidi, S., Irikura, M., Irie, T., Involvement of thromboxane A2 (TXA2) in the early stage of oleic acid-induced lung injury and the preventive effect of ozagrel, a TXA2 synthase inhibitor, in guinea-pigs, Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 56, 513-520 (2004)
  • Yang, C., Moriuchi, H.*, Takase, J., Ishitsuka, Y., Irikura, M., Irie, T.Oxidative stress in early stage of acute lung injury induced with oleic acid in guinea pigs, Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 26, 424-428 (2003)
  • Golbidi, S., Moriuchi, H.*, Yang, C., Irikura, M., Irie, T., Hamasaki, N. Preventive effect of phosphoenolpyruvate on hypoxemia induced by oleic acid in guinea pigs, Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 26, 336-340 (2003)