Obtainable Licenses and Qualifications

Careers, etc., based on qualifications and pharmacist licenses obtained by graduates of the School of Pharmacy

Graduates from the School of Pharmacy are given the title of Bachelor (Pharmacy), Bachelor (Drug Development), or Bachelor (Life Sciences) and are qualified to take the National Pharmacist Exam which is held for two days in early March each year.

After passing the exam, a pharmacist license will be issued when applied for. A qualified pharmacist may then issue medicine based on doctors' prescriptions, but in addition, there are various paths listed below for obtaining other qualifications and engaging in various kinds of work.

Jobs that can only be held with a pharmacist license:

  • Dispensing medicine
  • Pharmacy management
  • Managing general pharmaceutical sales
  • Managing the manufacture of pharmaceuticals (including managers of veterinary medicine manufacturing plants)
  • Insurance pharmacist, dispensing for health insurance, etc.
  • Health planning at pharmacist school, skills and guidance for environmental hygiene, health managers
  • General manager of manufacturing and sales of pharmaceutical products

Qualifications (careers) obtainable by pharmacists:

  • Technician responsible for manufacturing (import and sale) of quasi-drugs, cosmetics, or medical devices
  • Person responsible for handling poisonous or toxic substances: Prevent health and hygiene hazards related to poisonous or toxic substances (including poisonous or toxic agricultural chemicals) at manufacturing plants, sales offices, or shops that directly handle toxic substances
  • Pharmaceutical inspector
  • Narcotics administrator: Administration of narcotics that must be used or issued at narcotic clinics
  • Food hygiene manager
  • Food hygiene inspector
  • Environmental hygiene instructor
  • Quarantine member
  • Health supervisor
  • Health supervisor onboard ships
  • Domestic administrator of medicine manufactured overseas

Qualifications for careers such as food hygiene inspector, narcotics administrator, person responsible for handling poisonous or toxic substances, or technician responsible for manufacturing (import and sale) of quasi-drugs, cosmetics, or medical devices can be acquired by application, notification, or special training, etc., if one has a pharmacist license.

Qualifications (careers) for which special consideration can be obtained if one has a pharmacist license:

  • Working environment measurement expert (type 1, type 2)
  • Pollution control manager (atmosphere 2 types, water quality 3 types)
  • Certified environmental measurer (concentration measurement certification)
  • Occupational health consultant examination eligibility
  • Registered vendor

Qualifications that graduates from the School of Pharmacy may obtain:

  • Narcotics officer (team member)
  • Handler of psychotropic drugs
  • Environmental hygiene management technician for buildings
  • Water technical manager
  • Household distributor
  • Technician responsible for the manufacturing (import and sale) of quasi-drugs, cosmetics, or medical devices
  • Technical manager of garbage disposal facilities
  • Pollution prevention manager related to noise, dust, or vibrations